Unknown 2023
Exo-Biospheric Organisms believe that the soul is not an extension of the individual, but rather a fundamental characteristic of nature that expresses itself as a field, not unlike gravity.
Seth Godin 2023
Industrialism can meet its straightforward and easily measured goals, but it has trouble creating beauty. Beauty often lies in the mystery of connection and human creation, and beauty might just be the point. Significance isn't what we get... It's what we do for others.
David Chalmers 2022
The Simulation Hypothesis says we are and always have been in an artificially designed computer simulation of a world. First, the simulation needs to be lifelong, or at least for as long as we can remember. Second, the simulation needs to have been designed by a simulator.
David Goggins 2022
Never quit when your pain and insecurity are at their peak. If you must retreat, quit when it's easy, not when it's hard. Control your thought process and get through the most difficult test first.
Paul Callaghan 2022
Being Aboriginal is not the colour of your skin but your connection and responsibility to Country and all things in nature. It is about your connection to trees, fish, birds, rivers, rocks and stars. It isn't about how you look. It isn't even about your bloodlines. It is about something unseen, deep inside you.
Robert Waldinger 2022
Contrary to what many people might think, it's not career achievement, or exercise, or a healthy diet. These things matter (a lot), but one thing continuously demonstrates its broad and enduring importance is good relationships.
Sarah Elkhaldy 2022
There is a theme being played out in the fourth dimension, and perhaps even from the fifth dimension, of the forces of light versus the forces of darkness. This is being played out from a fractured or synthetic light.
Tony Robbins 2022
We must do everything we can today to be as healthy as possible, for as long as possible, in order to benefit from the fast-approaching merger of AI and medicine.
Anil Seth 2021
Experience relates to, and can be explained in terms of, biological and physical processes unfolding in brains and bodies.
Bernardo Kastrup 2021
Analytic Idealism is the notion that reality, while equally amenable to scientific inquiry, is fundamentally qualitative - is a leading contender to replace metaphysical materialism.
Jordan Peterson 2021
Order is explored territory. We are in order when the actions we deem appropriate produce the results we aim at. Nonetheless, all states of order, no matter how secure and comfortable, have their flaws. Our knowledge of how to act in the world remains eternally incomplete - partly because of our profound ignorance of the vast unknown, partly because of our willful blindness, and partly because the world continues, in its entropic manner, to transform itself unexpectedly.
Megan Rose 2021
The invasion of Terra, Terra's moon, and Mars posed a substantial threat to the rest of the galaxy. Without intervention, the malevolent extraterrestrial conquest of these planets would result in a massive empire of darkness that would threaten life inhabiting the entire galaxy. This negative timeline was foreseen by the Andromeda Council, which requested the Galactic Federation of Worlds to intervene and secure a positive future timeline for the rest of the galaxy.
Paul Wallis 2021
The familiar stories of Genesis are about our distant ancestors bumping up against visitors from another planet - Sky People - extraterrestrial visitors who came and colonised our planet and interfered in our evolution to make us a more useful workforce.
Tim Grimes 2021
When we feel good, not only do we get better things in our life but we also tend to do better things for other people. Feeling good leads to more good things happening to us.
Andrew Holecek 2020
Nighttime lucidity is discovering the dream to be a dream. Daytime lucidity is discovering that waking experience is also a type of dream, that things are not as solid and real as we think.
Darryl Anka 2020
We see you as being a Master Class in spiritual development, having made the bold choice to reduce your consciousness down to such a narrow focus that you forgot how powerful you truly are.
Joshua Cutchin 2020
Over the decades, cryptozoologists have amassed a wealth of footprints, hair samples, audio recordings, and visual documentation, all highly suggestive that something objectively real lies behind the bigfoot myth. This book highlights the consistencies between folk traditions and bigfoot encounters.
Three Initiates 2020
The lips of wisdom are closed, except to the ears of Understanding. The followers of Hermes always observed the principle of secrecy in their teachings. They did not believe in casting pearls before swine.
Michael Desmarquet 2020
The real dangers on Earth, in order of importance are first money, politicians, journalists, drugs, and religions. These dangers in no way relate to nuclear arms. The danger does not lie in the death of the physical body, as millions believe, the danger exists in the way in which one lives.
Paul Selig 2020
Realization, the unfoldment toward realization, is not only a process, it's an opportunity to dismantle personality.
Robert Lanza 2020
Experiments since the 1920s have unequivocally revealed that the mere presence of the observer changes an observation. This phenomenon strongly suggests that we are some sort of inseparable entity.
Steve Bierman 2020
I offered suggestions for more than just comfort and relief. I suggested that bleeding stop, joints relocate after dislocation, heart rhythms normalize. Much to my amazement, these suggestions also worked - sometimes with and, even more surprisingly, sometimes without a formal trance induction.
Bernardo Kastrup 2019
Reality is fundamentally experiential. A universal phenomenal consciousness is the sole ontological primitive whose patterns of excitation constitute existence. We are dissociated mental complexes of this universal consciousness surrounded like islands by the ocean of its mentation.
David Sinclair 2019
There is no biological law that says we must age. I believe that aging is a disease. I believe it is treatable. I believe we can treat it within our lifetimes.
Donald Hoffman 2019
Perception is not a window on objective reality. It is an interface that hides objective reality behind a veil of helpful icons.
Jeffery Martin 2019
The Finders discontent and fear has been replaced by a sense that everything is fundamentally okay that you are safe whole and fine just as you are.
Lee Harris 2019
Of the many lessons I've learned through working with the Zs all this time, perhaps the main one would be the power of intention - that you can cast an intention for what you would like to experience and feel next in your life.
Paul Davis 2019
Threading through material complexity is an even more breathtaking informational complexity hidden from view but providing the guiding hand of both adaptation and novelty.
Paul Selig 2019
The realization of the Divine in whatever you see claims into manifestation the Divine that is already present. This is not done through denying what you see. It is done through claiming what you see.
Philip Goff 2019
Galileo the philosopher created physical science by setting the sensory qualities outside of its domain of inquiry and placing them in the conscious mind.
Rizwan Virk 2019
Between Science and Religion there is one commonality - Consciousness is really a set of information and a processing of that information.
Roger Burnley 2019
There is nothing to fear in your physical life experience except your own unwillingness to act on something. This is indeed the only source of regret that you experience.
Thomas Campbell 2019
Most things people call paranormal are just normal inside a virtual reality. These things are available to everybody through their intuitive side.
Clif High 2018
Quantum computing is kind of like letting the universe give the answer. We don't know how it does it.
Dean Radin 2018
Real magic falls into three categories - mental influence of the physical world, perception of events distant in space or time, and interactions with nonphysical entities. The first type I'll call force of will; it's associated with spell-casting and other techniques meant to intentionally influence events or actions. The second is divination; it's associated with practices such as reading Tarot cards and mirror-gazing. The third is theurgy, from the Greek meaning god-work; it involves methods for evoking and communicating with spirits.
Jack Ma 2018
Everybody should get used to failure and not get used to being accepted by other people. Your opportunity has not come yet. When everybody complains that is the opportunity.
James Clear 2018
Changes that seem small and unimportant at first will compound into remarkable results if you're willing to stick with them for years.
Jason Louv 2018
Renaissance thinkers believed that knowledge was naturally degrading over time. The true source of knowledge wisdom and understanding was God and God had progressively distanced himself from human affairs. Therefore the enterprising scientist or magician was tasked with chasing him backward through time.
Jordan Peterson 2018
People who live by the same code are rendered mutually predictable to one another. They act in keeping with each other's expectations and desires. They can cooperate. They can even compete peacefully, because everyone knows what to expect from everyone else. A shared belief system, partly psychological, partly acted out, simplifies everyone.
J. Van Ysslestyne 2018
The Ulchis never sit down and lecture about their philosophies or beliefs about the reality of existence. They make it a point to wait for the petitioner to ask questions. In asking a question one should not presume that one will receive an answer. Answers to questions are dependent upon the emotional affect states of the particular spirits or shamans on any given day.
Mark Stavish 2018
The most commonly used definition for Egregore is an autonomous psychic entity composed of and influencing the thoughts of a group of people. It is also the home or conduit for a specific psychic intelligence of a nonhuman nature connecting the invisible dimensions with the material world in which we live. This in fact is the true source of power of the ancient cults and their religious-magical practices.
Matthew Walker 2018
More than a third of adults in many developed nations fail to obtain the recommended seven to nine hours of nightly sleep. Routinely sleeping less than six hours a night weakens your immune system, substantially increasing your risk of certain forms of cancer.
Michael J Roads 2018
The secret world of Nature, simply put, is the metaphysical world. Nature follows the blueprint of itself impeccably, whereas humanity has not only lost the blueprint of life, but has also lost the deeper knowing of ever having one.
Ray Maor 2018
A pranic/breatharian lifestyle is a lifestyle of independence from the daily necessity of food, a lifestyle in which we do not experience hunger or thirst, we have more energy, have a deeper connection to our inner guidance, to nature and to ourselves.
Chris Voss 2017
One can only be an exceptional negotiator, and a great person, by both listening and speaking clearly and empathetically; by treating counterparts and oneself with dignity and respect, and most of all by being honest about what one wants and what one can and cannot do.
Leslie Kean 2017
Even if we can't demonstrate conclusively that the living-agent psi hypothesis does not apply when we look at the totality of these strong cases of children with accurate past-life memories their cumulative force makes the survivalist position seem stronger still.
Max Tegmark 2017
Life can be classified in three levels sophistication - life where both the hardware and software are evolved rather than designed; life whose hardware is evolved, but whose software is largely designed; and life which can design not only its software but also its hardware. In other words, Life 3.0 is the master of its own destiny, finally fully free from its evolutionary shackles.
Robert Wright 2017
What's fundamental to the Buddha's teachings is the general dynamic of being powerfully drawn to sensory pleasure that winds up being fleeting at best. To live mindfully is to pay attention to to be mindful of what's happening in the here and now and to experience it in a clear direct way unclouded by various mental obfuscations. Stop and smell the roses.
Rupert Sheldrake 2017
The philosophy of modern science has hardened into a dogmatic belief system that is actually holding the sciences back. The advantage of most spiritual practices is precisely that they are about practice rather than belief.
Rupert Spira 2017
The first imperative of any mind that wishes to know the nature of reality must be to investigate and know the reality of itself. The mind imposes its own limits on everything that it sees or knows and thus all its knowledge and experience appear as a reflection of its own limitations.
Tim Freke 2017
Existence is ambiguous because it's an evolutionary process that has led to a multidimensional reality in which all levels of emergence from primitive matter through to transcendent spirit exist alongside each other. The evolutionary process has led from matter to life to soul to god and our lives are shaped by the interaction of physical causality biological necessity magical narrativity and divine transivity.
Ziad Masri 2017
Virtually everything we currently believe about the nature of existence comes from trusting our senses and yet those very senses can only detect an infinitesimally small portion of reality. We're using the very thing that is programmed to show us only a tiny aspect of reality as proof that this tiny aspect of reality is how things are or that this is all there is.
AIPR Mini Conference 2016
Jung saw synchronicity as more than meaningful coincidences - he conceived of it as an acausal connecting principle for all types of phenomena that could not be fully explained by standard notions of causality including quantum randomness and the results of ESP experiments.
Bernardo Kastrup 2016
Myth has historically provided context and perspective to our presence in the world and has enriched the lives of human beings since the dawn of our species. In a culture obsessed with literal truth and pragmatism the impoverishment of myth is increasingly felt.
Bruce Lipton 2016
Epigenetic research has established that DNA blueprints passed down through genes are not set in concrete at birth. Environmental influences including nutrition stress and emotions can modify those genes without changing their basic blueprint. And those modifications can be passed on to future generations.
Damon Brand 2016
Magick gives you a way to shift the odds, encourage coincidence and wrinkle reality to get the life you want. Servitors are self-aware entities, but they are intimately tied to your needs and wants, giving you a precise way to seek out results safely.
Eckhart Tolle 2016
To inhabit a moment fully is not a normal human state. Normally humans are elsewhere the future and/or past and always escaping from now. There is a depth of knowing in us as we transcend thought to reach a state of being. Nature exists in this state. We have lost it but can regain it to know it at a deeper level.
Gordon White 2016
Divine for the pitfalls and shoal sigils to nudge for beneficial probabilistic outcomes that avoid or skirt around them. There is an inherent paradox in using the spiritual to accomplish the material. Incorporating the magical world into your physical world will quickly show you which one is real and which one is delusion.
Gordon White 2016
Both the practice and goal of magic is the building of metaphoric pan-dimensional sense organs that allow you to perceive and participate in a much larger world. Divination enchantment malefica prayer. These all blur into the right action in the opportune moment.
Gordon White 2016
Few beliefs are randomly or universally distributed. If a belief is non-randomly distributed across cultures then some other mechanism of action is in play. Colonial expeditions wars trading partnerships the collective unconscious.
Hector Garcia 2016
The people of Japan believe that everyone has an ikigai – a reason to jump out of bed each morning. It translates roughly as the happiness of always being busy.
Loyd Auerbach 2016
The only thing that scares us about these phenomena is that we don't normally think of them as being part of the physical world. But you would accept them in a dream. To approach it from that point of view is quite helpful.
Michio Kaku 2016
Consciousness is the process of creating multiple feedback loops to create a model of yourself in space with regards to others and in time in order to satisfy certain goals. The unit of consciousness is the number of feedback loops.
Om Swami 2016
Meditation is going home. It is going back to your source, where you belong, to get to your primal source from where bliss, happiness and joy flow constantly. The two most fundamental elements of human life are the pursuit of happiness and the quest for freedom. Our suffering results from a lack of harmony in our being. Man suffers because he's too scattered.
Eckhart Tolle 2016
The mind is a surface awareness like the world around us. Deeper inside us is the stillness within that helps us meet the world out there.
Sadhguru 2016
Guru literally means dispeller of darkness. The function of the guru, contrary to popular belief, is not to teach, indoctrinate, or convert. The guru is here to throw light on dimensions beyond your sensory perceptions and your psychological drama, dimensions that you are currently unable to perceive. The guru is here, fundamentally, to throw light on the very nature of your existence.
Shinzen Young 2016
Using the systematic practice of meditation you can train yourself to be in the zone whenever you are doing anything. In the zone is a high level of effortless focus.
Stuart Kauffman 2016
We have forgotten that we are first of all alive and alive in a becoming biosphere a rich and almost unfathomable becoming in ways we cannot prestate yet is somehow coherent. This theme of becoming into the ever-new largely unprestatable Adjacent Possibles we ourselves persistently create is a main theme of this book.
Tulpa 2016
Depending upon the theory of what a tulpa is sentience is believed to be had by tulpas. They can know themselves through direct experience of themselves. Tulpas can feel emotion. Sapience is the quality of wisdom and a thing possessed of sapience is capable and therefore can be held responsible for its actions. For both sapience and sentience a tulpa usually grows in these qualities over time.
Bernardo Kastrup 2015
Consciousness is that whose excitations are subjective experiences. It is the only carrier of reality anyone can ever know for sure. It is the one undeniable empirical fact of existence.
Brendan Murphy 2015
We are being subtly (or not so subtly) manipulated influenced tinkered with by higher consciousnesses. This is done in full knowledge prior to incarnation.
New Scientist 2015
Our natural intuition is not to be trusted - that all effects must have a cause. Chance disarms us, causing us to attach significance to events that have no significance.
Daniel Priestly 2015
A product or brand reaches a level of being oversubscribed when there are far more buyers than sellers. It's when demand massively outstrips supply. It's when many more people want something than capacity allows for.
Dolores Cannon 2015
Many of us lived previous lives as keepers of sacred knowledge that was taught in the ancient mystery schools. Much of this knowledge was lost through time due to disasters and destruction or death.
Geoffrey Hoppe 2015
It is your passion and radiance that create reality, not the mind or thought. If you try to change your reality through affirmations, you'll end up getting frustrated, thinking you're not very good at creation. No, it's because affirmations are mental and don't have much passion to them.
Jurgen Ziewe 2015
I viewed Out-of-Body Experiences as a welcome opportunity to enhance my meditation, I allowed them to unfold and regarded them as a guided learning opportunity, set up for me by a higher awareness, in order to learn about aspects of Consciousness and non-physical reality which are relevant to and affect a large part of our population when we die.
Leo Gura 2015
To become enlightened is to become reality in the present moment. There's no process because it is already happening we just are not aware of it. Basically we have to become what we are but don't know that we are.
Mike Clelland 2015
Owls are best seen as Messengers. These manifestations appear in a bizarrely synchronistic manner. It is as if someone or some intelligence is pulling the strings of our reality and doing so in order to tell us something. To teach us.
Jim Al-Khalili 2015
Quantum Biology is not new it has been around since the 1930s. But it is in the last decade that clear evidence shows that there are certain mechanisms that require quantum mechanics to work.
Rich West 2015
Removing soul contracts will remove entities big time.
Rupert Spira 2015
Enlightenment is the recognition that the awareness that knows itself to be doesn't share the limitations of the mind and body.
Wim Hof 2015
Wim Hof has demonstrated his control of the autonomic nervous system. Whilst normal people cannot do this it can be developed. You cannot learn anything from the cold but you can learn to not do some things.
Yuval Harari 2015
A Brief History of Tomorrow examines what might happen to the world when old myths are coupled with new godlike technologies such as artificial intelligence and genetic engineering.
Bernardo Kastrup 2014
In the pursuit of an external truth scientistic materialism has forgotten the internal most fundamental reality of human existence - we can know nothing but that which appears in our own mind.
David Chalmers 2014
If consciousness can't be explained in physical terms then it is non-physical and fundamental. If the physical domain is closed consciousness can't play a casual role.
David R Hawkins 2014
Man thinks he lives by virtue of the forces he can control, but in fact, he is governed by power from unrevealed sources, power over which he has no control. Because power is effortless, it goes unseen and unsuspected. Force is experienced through the senses; power can be recognized only through inner awareness.
David Snyder 2014
When it comes to training your mind don't take yourself so seriously. Depth of trance comes from absorption and focus. Be playful and you can reprogram yourself. Be judgemental and you hold this back.
Michael Raduga 2014
The phase underlies every awakening from sleep. Once you realize that the phase will become more within your reach. That is to say you don't create the phase state upon awakening but simply take advantage of it.
Nick Bostrom 2014
AI has by now succeeded in doing essentially everything that requires thinking but has failed to do most of what people and animals do without thinking. The singularity-related idea that interests us here is the possibility of an intelligence explosion particularly the prospect of machine superintelligence.
Sam Harris 2014
Our world is dangerously riven by religious doctrines that all educated people should condemn, and yet there is more to understanding the human condition than science and secular culture generally admit.
Channeling Erik 2013
Bigfoot is an inter-dimensional being that inhabit different planes of existence. We sometimes see them when our planes intersect. They live outside our dimension and time.
Dean Radin 2013
Consciousness is fundamental. Physics chemistry etc precipitate from Bohm's implicate order otherwise known as a Mental World. In this case awareness sits at the bottom and creates physics.
Greg Doyle 2013
When you leave your physical body, it's a remarkable thing. Your senses sharpen extraordinarily. Your ability to focus your thoughts and tune in to your surroundings is both effortless and forensic. You merge with surroundings, situations, people. You know what is happening.
Ichiro Kishimi 2013
None of us live in an objective world but instead in a subjective world that we ourselves have given meaning. At present the world seems complicated and mysterious to you but if you change the world will appear more simple. The issue is not about how the world is but about how you are.
Paul Selig 2013
You must be responsible to yourself as the one responsible for your own identity. Everything you see before you you have agreed to. It could not be there if it was not agreed to by you collectively and individually. Who you are is what you say you are.
Thomas Campbell 2013
The influence of our intent on physical systems is limited by the natural uncertainty of the system. A random number generator has a very limited range of uncertainty hence only a small bias can be effected.
Bernardo Kastrup 2012
When the symbolic metaphorical often absurd contents of the unconscious parts of the psyche emerge into consciousness they feel at least as real as the physical world around us.
Frederick Aardema 2012
It is quite clear that sensory reduction is related to the OBE. The borderline of sleep is also often considered an important factor in the voluntary induction of the OBE. In order to induce the OBE, the goal is to keep your mind alert and awake while the physical body falls asleep more deeply.
Graham Nicholls 2012
The out-of-body experience allows us to explore for ourselves the reality of life after physical death and perception through time. It gives us the freedom to travel to any place in the known universe and beyond in an instant. It allows us to come into contact with our spiritual nature.
Julia Assante 2012
The social fear of death traps us in a playing-it-safe existence in which we no longer actualize our inborn audacity to live up to our own ideals. Those who have been visited by the dead feel a renewed love of life and a profound sense of purpose.
Michael Tellinger 2012
Sound and Resonance seem to be a common denomination in Ancient creation stories.
Nassim Taleb 2012
Antifragility is beyond resilience or robustness. The resilient resists shocks and stays the same; the antifragile gets better.
Paul Selig 2012
The world around you has been created in order to give you an experience of yourselves in reality that will come forth and bring about the change of consciousness that you require.
Ray Kurzweil 2012
A computer can run any algorithm that we might define because of its innate universality. The human brain on the other hand is running a specific set of algorithms. Its methods are clever in that it allows for significant plasticity and the restructuring of its own connections based on its experience but these functions can be emulated in software.
Daniel Kahneman 2011
Most impressions and thoughts arise in your conscious experience without your knowing how they got there. The mental work that produces impressions intuitions and many decisions goes on in silence in our mind.
Thomas Campbell 2011
We are not living in an objective reality.Don't believe - practice open minded skepticism. Growing up means becoming love.
Seth Lloyd 2011
All information that exists is registered by physical systems and all physical systems register information.
Stafford Betty 2011
The spirit world is not a place where everyone knows everything. Most souls are nearly as blind as they were in life. Souls, when they die, usually remain in the neighborhood where they have lived, unless there is some strong reason to the contrary.
David Chalmers 2010
There is at least some plausibility in the idea that the concepts of consciousness and states of consciousness are fundamentally holistic rather than atomistic.
Clinton Ober 2010
Earthing simply means living in contact with the Earth's natural surface chargebeing grounded which naturally discharges and prevents chronic inflammation of the body. We live on Earth but most of us don't touch the Earth anymore.
Ibrahim Karim 2010
BioGeometry is actually the science of detecting the Centering or balancing energy quality of BG3, studying its harmonizing effect in nature, and reproducing it using a system of BioGeometry Harmonics to create a design language of shape that achieves harmony in the inner and outer environment.
Michael Newton 2010
The spirit world is hierarchical in mental awareness. It exists within a sublime matrix of compassion harmony ethics and morality far beyond what we practice on Earth.
Paul Selig 2010
Anything you experience you choose. And you choose it in two different ways. You choose it on a level of consciousness which means you intend to get something or you choose it through your unconscious behavior and belief systems.
Vlatko Vedral 2010
The most fundamental aspect of reality is information and not energy or matter. We only need the presence of two conditions to be able to talk about information. One is the existence of events, and two is being able to calculate the probabilities of events happening.
Esther Hicks 2009
At the hub of these teachings of Abraham is a profound concept - the basis of life is freedom; the result of life is expansion - and the purpose of life is joy.
Louise-Marie Frenette 2009
It is in our interest to improve our whole being not only outwardly but inwardly, so that we can love ourselves in our fullest reality and gain the love of others.
Rupert Sheldrake 2009
Natural systems inherit a collective memory from all previous things of their kind however far away they were and however long ago they existed. Because of this cumulative memory through repetition the nature of things becomes increasingly habitual. Things are as they are because they were as they were. Memory is inherent in nature.
Simon Sinek 2009
Standout companies work from the why and inspire. Companies need to know clearly the Why they need discipline and accountability to implement How and consistently prove the Why through everything they do - authenticity.
Leonard Mlodinow 2008
Human intuition is ill suited to situations involving uncertainty. When chance is involved peoples thought processes are often seriously flawed. The human mind is built to identify for each event a definite cause and can therefore have a hard time accepting the influence of unrelated or random factors.
Peter Carroll 2008
Apophenia means finding pattern or meaning where others don't. Feelings of revelation and ecstasis usually accompany it. It has some negative connotations in psychological terminology when it implies finding meaning or pattern where none exists; and some positive ones when it implies finding something important useful or beautiful. It thus links creativity and psychosis genius and madness.
Brian Whitworth 2007
Modern online games show that information processing can create virtual worlds with their own time space entities and objects. Although virtual reality theory is strange so are the results of modern physics experiments.
Gregg Braden 2007
The Divine Matrix is the container that holds the universe the bridge between all things and the mirror that shows us what we have created.
Joe Navarro 2007
Nonverbal communication is a means of transmitting information achieved through facial expressions gestures touching physical movements posture body adornment and even an individual's voice. It comprises approximately 60 to 65 percent of all interpersonal communication.
Michael Singer 2007
You have a mental dialogue going on inside your head that never stops. If you watch carefully, you'll see that it's just trying to find a comfortable place to rest. The best way to free yourself from this incessant chatter is to step back and view it objectively.
Richard Creightmore 2007
Geopathic stress describes negative energies which emanate from the earth and cause discomfort and ill health. The surface of the earth is woven with a pattern of etheric threads identical in energy and importance to the acupuncture meridians of the human body.
Stephan Schwartz 2007
Yogani 2006
In the Eastern way of thinking about it, the entire material existence is an expression of prana – the life force. And it is all imbued with an innate intelligence. Stillness is the source of prana, the life force that energizes the universe we experience. It is a stillness that is filled with possibilities. It is an awareness that does not move.
Bruce Moen 2005
Our physical universe and all other non-physical universes are small areas of consciousness within a larger Consciousness. To explore non-physical realities we need to learn to shift our focus from one area of consciousness to another.
Yogani 2005
Deep meditation is an effective method of meditation leads us to an experience of profound stillness, an inner silence that defies description. It is an emptiness that is full with peace, creativity and happiness.
Aurelia Louise Jones 2004
Lemurians lived mainly in their fifth dimensional light bodies, with the ability to lower their vibration to experience denser levels whenever they chose and to return to their light bodies at will.
Brian Weiss 2004
Each of us possesses a soul that exists after the death of the physical body and that it returns time and time again to other bodies in a progressive effort to reach a higher plane.
Rudolf Steiner 2004
Instructions for spiritual practice begin with the idea of research - the experimental (experiential) pursuit of truth, based on the need to find out for oneself. A cognitive element underlies all his spiritual exercises.
Thomas Campbell 2003
Our beginning from the point of view of our objective causality must be indefinable or equivalently mystical. It cannot be understood in terms of the system from within the system. Our physical space-time causality is local and not necessarily universal.
Rizwan Virk 2003
Bad management is the #1 reason why business fail in this country. They don't know themselves well enough, and this causes them to do stupid things.
Robert Bruce 2002
Negative Spirit Being or Negs naturally seem to prey on spiritually vulnerable humans. They are also attracted to and may even feed upon negative emotions such as fear anger anxiety and lust.
Stephen Wolfram 2002
Underneath the laws of physics as we know them today it could be that there lies a very simple program from which all the known laws - and ultimately all the complexity we see in the universe - emerges.
Steven Kaufman 2002
Reality is the result of a process whereby existence repetitively and progressively forms relationships with itself. Physical reality, as we experience it to exist, is itself a product of consciousness.
George Hansen 2001
The trickster is the governing archetype of the betwixt and between of liminal periods and transitions. During times of personal and cultural change paranormal events are likely to erupt.
Jose Silva 2000
The reason we were given psychic ability is so that we can use it to get information from high intelligence to find out what we are supposed to do.
Ken Wilber 2000
Evolution is best thought of as Spirit-in-action, God-in-the-making, where Spirit unfolds itself at every stage of development, thus manifesting more of itself, and realizing more of itself, at every unfolding.
Samuel Sagan 1999
The clear fountain is an unlimited source of inspiration. It flows, always, and for all men and women, but few are those who know how to tap from its waters. And even among those who know how, few are those who remember to call on the fountain when critical situations arise.
Dolores Cannon 1998
The aliens have carefully bred and influenced the development of our brains, gradually introducing the amazing psychic powers and intuitive feelings that are common among them. As man developed away from the animalistic stage and became capable of handling his own life and affairs, the aliens were not allowed to have as much influence. It has been emphasized that this is the planet of free will, and it is a strict universal law that free will must be respected.
Robert Greene 1998
If you manage to seduce, charm, and deceive your opponents, you will attain the ultimate power.
William Buhlman 1996
The key to observing our physical bodies is to remain as mentally and emotionally detached as possible but more important we must keep our thoughts directed away from our physical bodies; the slightest thought focused on the body will immediately snap us back to it.
David Icke 1994
We have become a race of programmed minds which can be persuaded to believe and do almost anything. At the heart of this attack on human freedom is the desire to keep from us the knowledge of the spiritual realities of our true selves.
Samuel Sagan 1994
Entities refers to non-physical beings presences which come to be attached to human beings and act of parasites thereby creating various emotional mental and physical problems ranging from eating disorders and uncontrollable emotions to the most severe diseases.
Dolores Cannon 1993
The dead with whom I speak are no longer dead but are living again today and going about their daily lives. I am a regressionist a hypnotist that specializes in past life regressions and historical research. I am able to go back through time and talk to people as they relive other lives down through history.
Dolores Cannon 1993
We do not need to take over this planet with violence. It is already ours, it always has been. We have been here since the beginning-caring and nurturing. Now we are trying to keep you from destroying this planet.
James Redfield 1993
The Manuscript dates back to about 600 B.C. It predicts a massive transformation in human society. In the last decades of the twentieth century a kind of renaissance in consciousness will occur, very slowly. It's not religious in nature, but it is spiritual.
Lee Carroll 1993
I am Kryon of magnetic service. You are in lesson for the purpose of raising the vibration of the whole Earth. The last time you felt my entity, I helped create your termination. Please do not fear me, I am not here for another planetary termination.
Sri Aurobindo 1993
Consciousness is involved here in Matter. Evolution is the method by which it liberates itself. The next step of the evolution must be towards the development of Supermind and Spirit as the dominant power in the conscious being. For only then will the involved Divinity in things release itself entirely and it become possible for life to manifest perfection.
Barbara Marciniak 1992
The Pleiadian ancestors were some of the Original Planners of Earth, orchestrators who seeded worlds and civilizations with creativity and love. Our ancestors gave their DNA to the Original Planners, and this DNA became part of the DNA of the human species.
Dewey Larson 1990
The physical universe is composed entirely of one component Motion existing in three dimensions in discrete units and with two reciprocal aspects space and time.
Samuel Sagan 1990
The purpose is to clearly find the Self and to learn to see the world from the Self instead of seeing it from your usual mental consciousness.
Tony Robbins 1990
The state we are in at in the moment powerfully impacts the meaning we assign to something. Physiology is related to how you feel - emotion is created by motion change the way you move to change the way you feel. If we change what we focus on we change what we feel.
Roger Penrose 1989
The phenomenon of consciousness cannot be accommodated within the framework of present-day physical theory. The conscious aspects of our minds are not explicable in computational terms.
Brian Weiss 1988
Our task is to learn, to become God-like through knowledge. By knowledge we approach God, and then we can rest. Then we come back to teach and help others.
Joseph Campbell 1988
Myths are stories of our search through the ages for truth for meaning for significance. What we're seeking is an experience of being alive so that our life experiences on the purely physical plane will have resonances within our own innermost being and reality so that we actually feel the rapture of being alive.
Whitley Strieber 1987
Either what is happening is that visitors are actually here or the human mind is creating something that incredibly is close to a physical reality. It seeks the very depth of the soul; it seeks communion.
Robert Svoboda 1986
The Left-Hand Path is quick but violent. The chance of catastrophe is great unless a powerful guru's protection is provided. The Right-Hand Path gives steady progress with reduced danger of setbacks.
Marvin Minsky 1985
Each mental agent by itself can only do some simple thing that needs no mind or thought at all. True intelligence comes from joining these agents in certain special ways to create societies.
John Sarno 1984
The body has wonderful recuperative powers. One should recover from a strain or a sprain in a few days or at the most two or three weeks. One of the worst aspects of the back pain problem is the tendency to become chronic brought about first by incorrect diagnoses and second by the fear engendered by those diagnoses.
Carla Rueckert 1984
Once an individual has become aware of the possibility of using the illusion in which he finds himself in your physical world for the progression of spiritual growth it is necessary that he take the next step and use his knowledge to express regardless of the potentials which affect him the love and understanding of his Creator.
Eva Pierrakos 1979
Before the self can be transformed it must be thoroughly understood and accepted. Man needs to understand that selfishness and other character faults are no defense nor do they give him any advantage. In reality his own advantage must also be to the advantage of others.
Ken Wilber 1977
Being and consciousness exist as a spectrum, reaching from matter to body to mind to soul to Spirit. And although Spirit is, in a certain sense, the highest dimension or level of the spectrum of existence, it is also the ground or condition of the entire spectrum.
Robert Anton Wilson 1977
Convictions cause convicts - whatever you believe imprisons you. Our everyday experience is almost entirely self-programmed. The cinematic editing occurs so rapidly that we are normally not aware of doing it; thus we add many things that aren't there at all. This is exactly what Budda meant when he said normal consciousness is delusion.
Helen Schucman 1976
Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists. Herein lies the peace of God. The world of perception is the world of time of change of beginnings and endings. It is based on interpretation not on facts.
Carlos Castaneda 1972
A warrior is an impeccable hunter that hunts power. If he succeeds in his hunting he can be a man of knowledge. To seek the perfection of the warriors spirit is the only task worthy of our manhood.
Robert Monroe 1971
The Out of the Body Experience is an event in which the experiencer seems to perceive portion of some environment which could not possibly be perceived from where his physical body is known to be at the time; and knows at the time that he is not dreaming or fantasizing.
Jacques Vallee 1969
If we take a wide sample of the historical UFO phenomenon material we find that it is organized around one central theme - visitation by an aerial people from one or more remote, legendary countries.
Carlos Castaneda 1968
For me there is only the traveling on the paths that have a heart on any path that may have a heart. There I travel and the only worthwhile challenge for me is to traverse its full length. And there I travel - looking looking breathlessly.
Jane Roberts 1963
All physical sense data is camouflage. Scientists are correct in supposing the universe is composed of the same elements that can be found in your plane. However the elements that they know of are of course camouflage patterns that may show themselves in a completely different form somewhere else.
Jane Roberts 1963
The apparent outer senses are merely concerned with the particular camouflage of a particular plane. The inner senses are concerned with vitalities beneath the camouflage. You cannot use camouflage to see through camouflage. It is only the inner senses which will give you any evidence at all of the basic nature of life itself.
Maxwell Maltz 1960
The self-image is the key to human personality and human behavior. Change the self-image and you change the personality and the behavior. Expand the self-image and you expand the area of the possible.
Alan Watts 1957
The naturalness of Zen flourishes only when one has lost affectedness and self-consciousness of every description. But a spirit of this kind comes and goes like the wind, and is the most impossible thing to institutionalize and preserve.
Anthony Borgia 1956
Because thought has such direct action, folk on earth think that the results must be intangible, dream-like, and capable of being, or liable to be, dispersed upon the slightest provocation, or upon none at all. Our thoughts in these lands have far greater power and scope than on earth.
Earl Nightingale 1956
Success is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal. If a man is working towards a predetermined goal and knows where he is going that man is a success.
Aldous Huxley 1954
To make biological survival possible Mind at Large has to be funnelled through the reducing valve of the brain and nervous system. Certain persons seem to be born with a kind of by-pass that circumvents the reducing valve. In others temporary by-passes may be acquired by spiritual exercises hypnosis or by means of drugs.
Anthony Borgia 1954
As we pass through this earth life, we build our inheritance in the World of Spirit, which will be no more and no less than the reflection of the quality of our thought desire here.
L Ron Hubbard 1950
The Dianetic technique deletes, without drugs, hypnotism, surgery, shock or other artificial means, the blocks from the various dynamics of the principle of existence which is to survive. The removal of these blocks permits the free flow of the various dynamics and, of course, results in a heightened persistency in life and a much higher intelligence.
P.D. Ouspensky 1949
All the people you may get to know are machines working solely under the power of external influences. A machine does not know itself and cannot know itself. But there is a possibility of ceasing to be a machine.
Paramhansa Yogananda 1946
A.P. Elkin 1945
A Clever man is definitely an outstanding person a clear thinker a man of decision one who believed and acted on the belief that he possessed psychic power the power to will others to have faith in themselves.
Andre Luiz 1944
Death of the physical body does not take man instantly to miraculous spheres. Every evolutionary process progresses trough graduation. There are countless planes for discarnate Spirits, just as there are many wondrous regions for those still in flesh. All souls, feelings, forms and things are governed by the principles of natural evolution and hierarchy.
Neville Goddard 1944
You never attract that which you want, but always that which you are. So live in the feeling of being the one you want to be and that you shall be.
Napolean Hill 1937
Truly, thoughts are things, and powerful things at that, when they are mixed with definiteness of purpose, persistence, and a burning desire for their translation into riches, or other material objects.
Rudolf Steiner 1923
People of today are superior to the Atlanteans in logical reasoning in the ability to combine. On the other hand memory has deteriorated. Nowadays people think in concepts; the Atlanteans thought in images.
Emma Drollinger 1919
Earth is engirdled in its aural spheres, designated as the Zones with their gradations. In these aural Zones which engirdle our Earth, we find every phase of Social and Mental development-we find the Domestic-the Inventive, the Musical and Scholarly Zones-the Heavenly or Spiritual-the Celestial or Divine Kingdoms. Every zone corresponds in its rate of Vibration and Color with the Solar beam in the prism.
William Walker Atkinson 1918
To make a success of anything you must be able to concentrate your entire thought upon the idea you are working out.
William Walker Atkinson 1918
The true Rosicrucians have no formal organization, and are held together only by the ties of common interest in the occult and esoteric studies, and by the common acceptance of certain fundamental principles of belief and knowledge.
William Walker Atkinson 1916
The five senses of man are the channels through which he becomes aware or conscious of information concerning objects outside of himself. Each one of the physical senses of man has its astral counterpart.
Rudolf Steiner 1914
Visible facts plainly point through their own inner nature to the existence of a hidden world. If a man makes his life desolate by losing touch with the unseen he not only destroys in his inner self something the decay of which may eventually drive him to despair but through his weakness he constitutes a hindrance to the evolution of the whole world in which he lives.
William Walker Atkinson 1913
Each and every individual is in possession of a certain degree of personal magnetism; that each person may increase the degree and strengthen the power by knowledge and practice.
William Walker Atkinson 1912
The human aura may be described as a fine, ethereal radiation or emanation surrounding each and every living human being. It extends from two to three feet, in all directions, from the body.
Rudolf Steiner 1908
There slumber in every human being faculties by means of which he can acquire for himself a knowledge of higher worlds. Mystics Gnostics Theosophists all speak of a world of soul and spirit which for them is just as real as the world we see with our physical eyes and touch with our physical hands.
William Walker Atkinson 1906
The Occultist's information comes from within, while the Scientist's comes from without, and proofs belong to the without side of Mentation. And this is why the Occultists so often make such a bungle regarding proofs and the Scientist fails to see facts that are staring the Occultist in the face.
William Walker Atkinson 1906
The Occult Teachings inform us that in addition to the Five Physical Senses possessed by man, each of which has its appropriate sense organ, every individual is also possessed of Five Astral Senses, which form a part of what is known to Occultists as the Astral Body.
Aleister Crowley 1904
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Love is the law love under will. There is no law beyond Do what thou wilt.
Rudolf Steiner 1904
The bodily existence of a man is manifest to all eyes; the soul existence he carries within himself as his world. Through the spirit however the outer world is revealed to him in a higher way.
William Walker Atkinson 1900
That which we call Personal Magnetism is the subtle current of thought-waves, or thought-vibrations, projected from the human mind.
Rudolf Steiner 1894
In thinking we can have an intuitive experience of the manifest core of our being, and act out of that core. This gives full human responsibility of a kind not determined by any external or even inner commandments, laws or memories of what has been done in the past, but instead by a ‘moral imagination’ that is alive enough to every situation to seek the fitting response and action that accords with it.
Friedrich Nietzsche 1886
According to slave-morality, the evil man arouses fear. According to master-morality, it is precisely the good man who arouses fear and seeks to arouse it, while the bad man is regarded as the despicable being.
Wang Chongyang 1170
That which exists through itself is called the Way (Tao). Tao has neither name nor shape. It is the one essence the one primal spirit. The secret of the magic of life consists in using action in order to attain non-action.
Rizwan Virk _2021
Not only do we live inside a digital, simulated world, but also a complex, interconnected network of multiple timelines. In other words, we live inside a simulated multiverse.
Seneca 41 A.D.
It is man's duty to live in conformity with the divine will and this means firstly bringing his life into line with nature's laws and secondly resigning himself completely and uncomplainingly to whatever fate may send him. Only by living thus and not setting too high a value on things which can at any moment be taken away from him can he discover that true unshakeable peace and contentment to which ambition luxury and above all avarice are among the greatest obstacles.